$5,000.00 USD

1:1 90 Day Executive Leadership Accelerator (upfront payment)

In this 90-Day Coaching Accelerator we will partner together to get you VP-Ready and into the executive promotion (VP or Sr. Dir) you’ve been waiting for, with a personalized roadmap and path to promotion action plan. 

We'll follow my simple four-step framework to get you there:

STEP 1: Embody your VP Energy which starts with tapping into the leader within you so you can become confident, self-assured, and build your executive presence because if you don’t see yourself as a VP, neither with anyone else, and you definitely won’t land that role. 

STEP 2: Get clarity on your next role and your leadership blind spots/gaps AND create your “Personal VP Readiness” action plan to close those gaps so that we can create an irrefutable case for why you’re the right (and ready!) person. 

STEP 3: Build Your Executive-Level Influence and Impact by getting clear on what you want to be known for – great executives all have a clear and intentional brand.

STEP 4: Path to Promotion Action & Accountability Plan where we’ll not only assess your VP Readiness, we’ll create a custom strategy to develop the necessary skills, create your internal champions, and map out the timeline for promotion based on your company’s promotion cycle. 

Program Includes:

  • 90-day personalized coaching program so you can become a female VP in tech
  • Two Live coaching sessions per month (6 one-hour sessions, total)
  • Recommended practices & exercises to help you make your desired shifts
  • Access between sessions via Voxer for voice memos & email as needed
  • Sessions conducted over zoom – can be recorded for playback if desired